colección de información encontrada en la web, sobre temas de interés común.
domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013
sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013
Biblioteca Digital + Dbooks: El Tao de la Física
Biblioteca Digital + Dbooks: El Tao de la Física: El tao de la física es el título en español del libro The tao of physics, escrito en 1975 por Fritjof Capra.
Biblioteca Digital + Dbooks: El Tao de la Física
Biblioteca Digital + Dbooks: El Tao de la Física: El tao de la física es el título en español del libro The tao of physics, escrito en 1975 por Fritjof Capra.
sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013
"Lázaro Cárdenas y la reforma energética", artículo de Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas - Aristegui Noticias
"Lázaro Cárdenas y la reforma energética", artículo de Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas - Aristegui Noticias
primero MI universo... después El Universo!!!: Harvard creates brain-to-brain interface, allows humans to control other animals with thoughts alone | ExtremeTech
primero MI universo... después El Universo!!!: Harvard creates brain-to-brain interface, allows humans to control other animals with thoughts alone | ExtremeTech
Striking Visual Renderings Of HIV Will Change How You Think About The Virus (PHOTOS)
Striking Visual Renderings Of HIV Will Change How You Think About The Virus (PHOTOS)
Ukrainian designer Alexey Kashpersky changed that with his breathtaking visual renderings of the microscopic organism. The digitally enhanced drawings won first prize in a CGSociety visualization competition, which challenged participants to "convey humanity's complex relationships with [the HIV] virus, be they emotional, political, or intellectual."
Ukrainian designer Alexey Kashpersky changed that with his breathtaking visual renderings of the microscopic organism. The digitally enhanced drawings won first prize in a CGSociety visualization competition, which challenged participants to "convey humanity's complex relationships with [the HIV] virus, be they emotional, political, or intellectual."
Waking the dead? Some things you should know about dying (Science Alert)
Waking the dead? Some things you should know about dying (Science Alert)
Consider this from a research paper about defining death: "If we regard death as a process, then either the process starts when the person is still living, which confuses the “process of death” with the process of dying, for we all regard someone who is dying as not yet dead, or the “process of death” starts when the person is no longer alive, which confuses death with the process of disintegration."
Some residual function can be found up to several hours
Consider this from a research paper about defining death: "If we regard death as a process, then either the process starts when the person is still living, which confuses the “process of death” with the process of dying, for we all regard someone who is dying as not yet dead, or the “process of death” starts when the person is no longer alive, which confuses death with the process of disintegration."
Some residual function can be found up to several hours
past the point where the heart has stopped beating.
Image: Alexander Briel Perez/Shutterstock
domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013
viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013
Los recientes fenómenos naturales más interesantes y extraños | Ahora es el Tiempo
Los recientes fenómenos naturales más interesantes y extraños | Ahora es el Tiempo
Harvard creates brain-to-brain interface, allows humans to control other animals with thoughts alone | ExtremeTech
Harvard creates brain-to-brain interface, allows humans to control other animals with thoughts alone | ExtremeTech
Los científicos luz helada de un minuto »Banoosh
Prueba experimental prevista aclarará cómo la luz interactúa con la materia a altas energías
jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013
La religión de la mujer:un estudio histórico–Joseph McCabe | Soy Ateo
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